Get To know us
Pillars of a Laurel Hill Education
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Life Long Learning
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Personal Attention
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Every single class is assigned a teacher and an educational assistant. Teachers at Laurel Hill are all New York State certified in their respective disciplines.
Professional, warm, and caring, our faculty is sensitive to the unique qualities and needs of each child. Teachers and educational assistants possess the vital capacity to guide boys and girls with wisdom, and to regard all children with respect.
Our faculty is engaged in extensive ongoing professional development workshops. Prior to the beginning of each school year The Laurel Hill School provides each staff member with opportunities to investigate and experience a multitude of new strategies, methods, and educational programs to be utilized in their classrooms. Class size is small and the educational setting is based on genuine warmth, affection, and high incentive activities.
The colorful environment is an expression of the energy and imagination of the students and faculty