Giving Back at Laurel Hill School: Lower School
At Laurel Hill School, we believe that fostering a sense of responsibility and compassion in our students is as important as academic achievement. Our Lower School community, from Kindergarten through 5th Grade, is deeply committed to giving back and making a positive impact on the world around us. Through a variety of community service initiatives and social action projects, our young students learn the value of empathy, teamwork, and civic engagement.
Community Service
Our community service programs are designed to encourage students to volunteer their time and talents to help others within the school and the larger community. Here’s how our students get involved:
Peer Tutoring: Older students assist younger peers with academic support, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment.
Classroom Assistance: Students volunteer to help teachers with various tasks, promoting a sense of responsibility and teamwork.
School Improvement Projects: Students initiate and participate in projects aimed at enhancing the school environment, such as organizing library resources, maintaining school gardens, and more.
Social Action Projects
Laurel Hill students are encouraged to think globally and act locally. Our social action projects aim to address some of the most pressing social needs in our local, national, and international communities. These projects are integrated into the curriculum, providing students with a deeper understanding of the issues and the impact of their contributions.
Past Social Action Projects Include:
Heifer Project International: Students support this organization by raising funds to donate livestock and farming education to needy families, promoting self-sufficiency and sustainable living.
Disaster Relief Efforts: Our students have raised funds to assist families affected by natural disasters such as the 2001 earthquakes in El Salvador and India, showing solidarity and compassion for those in need.
Building Schools Abroad: Students have raised sufficient funds to construct a schoolhouse in a rural village in Madagascar, supporting both the construction and a teacher’s salary for one year.
Supporting Education in Ethiopia: By raising funds, our students have provided daily lunches for one hundred children in Ethiopia for a year, ensuring they receive necessary nutrition to support their education.
Advocacy and Awareness: Projects supporting clandestine home schools for girls in pre-9/11 Afghanistan and raising funds to purchase the freedom of chattel slaves in Mauritania highlight our commitment to global education and human rights.
Creating Community
At Laurel Hill, creating a sense of community is central to our mission. Through various initiatives, we teach students the importance of giving back and being active, compassionate members of society.
Community Initiatives Include:
Supporting Local Needs: Students regularly support local food pantries, hospitals, and hospices through fundraising and volunteer efforts.
Healthcare Initiatives: We support various local and national healthcare initiatives, teaching students the importance of health and wellness.
Environmental Projects: Students engage in projects that promote environmental stewardship, such as providing clean water filtration systems to villages in Cambodia and participating in Earth Day activities.
Get Involved
Parents and community members are encouraged to support our giving back initiatives. Whether through volunteer opportunities, participating in events, or providing resources, your involvement makes a significant difference.
For more information on how you can get involved with our community service and social action projects, please contact us at [school email] or visit our [contact page]. Together, we can continue to inspire and empower our students to make a positive impact on the world.