I have attended Laurel Hill since I was the age of four. This school has been the most amazing experience of my life. As I look in the past of all my memories growing up, they are all at Laurel Hill…
What Parents & Students Say about Laurel Hill PreSchool?
Laurel Hill Preschool Parent
Three years ago I entrusted you and your team with my first child’s care somewhat reluctantly. Now as she is about to prepare to enter Kindergarten, I don’t know where to begin to thank you for the beautiful experience she encountered at Laurel Hill. She has exceeded my expectations, both socially and academically. Every day has truly been a new adventure for both of us. The love and devotion you and your staff share with our children is truly beyond comparison. She will surely be a better person having had Laurel Hill touch her life. You direct a truly remarkable place, and are by all standards a truly remarkable lady – always found with a smile on her face and love in her heart. Thank you for taking beautiful care of our baby…
It’s hard to believe that our son is about to finish up his fourth school year at Laurel Hill. One of the most difficult things to do as parents is to leave your child in the hands of others but you make this daunting daily task effortless. When I stop to think about the community he is a part of, I am overwhelmed with love and appreciation. Laurel Hill is truly his home away from home and we consider you all a part of our village who has helped to raise him. For this, we are forever grateful.
Over the last six years, The Laurel hill School campus has become such a familiar place to our family. We have felt very comfortable leaving our children in your care because we have come to know how carefully you watch over each student and get to know them and their families individually…
Thank you for providing our son with love, patience, and guidance throughout his preschool year. The skills he has obtained through your teachings are remarkable. His eyes light up when he talks about his day at school and the experiences you have provided him. It has truly been an unforgettable year. We hope you all know how much you are respected, loved and appreciated. Thank you for all you do. We look forward to the end of the year festivities and another wonderful year in Pre-K!